Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reparations and the Legacy of Dr. King

Reparations means truly honoring Dr. King's legacy. It does not mean heading to Memphis to hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome." It is not about being at the site of his assassination and walking his last steps. It is not even about talking solely about the man.

Dr. King understood that the movement was more important than any one person. And, the movement is still more important than any one person.

When we remember Jesus Christ, it is not enough to simply go to the site of His Crucifixion and return home. It is more important to carry forth the message of love and redemption, right? And, who would not be compelled to say how much of a more dedicated and Christian life they will live while standing on that Holy Ground? Yet, who - once returning home - actually follows through?

We can all live good lives when everyone is looking!

So, as we remember Dr. King it is important to set foot on hollowed ground. But, it is more important to carry forth the message and to pass forward the mission. And, the message is not only for Black people. The message is not only for Memphis. The message is also for Indiana, and for the Nation. Indeed the message is for the world.

Reparations means truly honoring Dr. King's legacy. Days like this should be days of "remembering action." What is the point of remembering the struggles and sacrifice if we do not bring to bear the present applications?

What would be the point of remembering Christ's Crucifixion if we were not compelled to serve others? Should we use His Crucifixion as an opportunity to carry His message to others? In that same vain we should use King's assassination as an opportunity for us to carry his message to others.

So, let us talk about why Dr. King was killed. Let us engage in dialogue about the issues that still plague us. Let us give ourselves to the noble cause of perfecting this Country.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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